Thursday, May 22, 2008

Two stories from one cabinet.

Two stories from one cabinet.

It wasn't that long when the Foreign Minister of the Meles Cabinet, Seyoum Mesfin, said no land of Ethiopia was given to Sudan. And then, The Prime Minister himself, to the Par lama, went out to say, yes we have given land but no one was displaced.

Well, The Foreign Minister lied out rightly, while the Prime Minister didn't tell the whole truth. Yes fertile land of Ethiopian farmers IN the west was given to Sudan, Yes there is a Sudanese army right there right now, Yes the Sudanese army did displace and even kill Ethiopian farmers, and Yes the Farmers fought back for their Land.

We are not at all surprised by the misinformation of the Woyane propaganda machine. The Badme, brouhahas, did not fade away from our memory. It will never. Students will learn about it and it will be in history books along with the picture of Seyoum Mesfin, unless Berkete Simon comes out and break the records of Seyoum Mesfin. Even that will not be a surprise.